Tash is
Australian book blogger – sharing her passion for books and book events .
the seeker of the next great to be found.
The blog reflects my ever growing growth as a reader, reviewer and blogger. But I’m getting ahead of myself.
Since I was young, I can always remember having my nose stuck in a book. I grew up with being first read to by my parents then devouring childhood classics like Famous Five and Peter Rabbit. Those early days built the foundation for the passion and obsession I have with books today.
I was inspired to start book blogging to share my passion for books as I didn’t have any real life friends who were bookholics like me. Whilst I’m truly a romantic at heart, my reading tastes have changed and grown as a result of blogging.
Now I’m eclectic blogger who has a passion particular interest in YA, Fantasy and Romance. Strong female characters are my favourite and cliche/troope books are my weakness. However I’m a firm supporter of local talent and love to feature a good #loveozya and #loveonzya.
I have been privilege to work on the first two Sydney Author Event as an organiser and work with other events in Australia as a volunteer and as a blogger. I’m also part of the the Aussie and NZ YA Blogger and Reader team.
Aside from reading , I’m a passionate food lover and beauty enthusiast. Ever since I learnt how to bake a cake and learned how cook spaghetti bolognese . I have never looked back. I enjoy a good meal and trying new things to cook or eat.
Beauty is something that has been apart of my life when I hit my tween /teenager years . I remember being obsessed with lip smackers and thinking all I needed was a good lipgloss. Whilst I made some shocking choices. I like to say that I make mostly good decisions now.
These days you can find me trying to figure out how I can spend every hour of my day, indulging in one of my passions
About the Blog
Read with Tash has always existed in some shape or form since 2011. Whilst the website was established in August 2012 , with the aim of sharing my love about the books I loved with a group of friends . Since early 2016, the blog has been solely run by me.